
Jennifer Snead
(at the time of the photo: Jennifer Kelly)

Where you come from:
Born in Florida, lived in Montgomery Alabama from about age 5-20. Lived in Los Angeles and San Diego from age 20-35.

Where you live now:
Brooklyn, via Montgomgery Alabama again.

What age you were at the time of the photograph:  27 years old.

How old you expect to live to be:  at least a hundy…

Have you ever known anyone who died of AIDS?  not personally.

Have you ever known anyone who died at a young age?  Yes.

What do you love most to do in life?
Relaxing, cooking and exploring with my best friend…my husband.

What about yourself do you really like?  My compassion…

What would you like to see people do to change the world?
Respect the earth and everything/everyone on it.  We are all just trying to survive and it would be a lot easier if we helped each other.  Yes, Compassion….

What is one of your favorite memories?
I was driving down a lonely road in Sedona, AZ. The Moon was full and VERY BIG. The moonlight was shining on the jagged red rocks along the road. The top was down on my car and I felt so free and so small all at the same time. Like I was floating along in this vast universe. It was beautiful.

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